Midnight Black Patina
Traditional Midnight Black Patina reacts on aluminum, bronze, brass, copper, iron, steel (not stainless), and zinc/galvanized. This patina works quickly
Slate Patina
Slate Black Patina is a versatile black finish for use on most metals. On iron and steel, it is used
Stainless Black Patina
Stainless Black Patina is made specifically for stainless steel. It is not recommended for other metals, but on zinc and
Light Green Patina
Light Green Patina is a cold patina for bronze, brass, and copper. Apply to a clean, cold (65°-70°F) metal. It
Powder Blue Patina
Powder Blue is a cold patina for bronze, brass, copper, and the Metal Coatings. This patina results in a stable
Tiffany Green Patina
Tiffany Green is a cold patina for bronze, brass, and copper. It may be used both indoors and outdoors. If
A14 Black For Aluminium
All Birchwood patinas are considered traditional patinas that will age or darken metal. These patinas are sold concentrated and should
M20 (Dip) Black Patina
All Birchwood patinas are considered traditional patinas that will age or darken metal. These patinas are sold concentrated and should
M24 (Spray) Black Patina
All Birchwood patinas are considered traditional patinas that will age or darken metal. These patinas are sold concentrated and should
M38 Antique Brown Patina
All Birchwood patinas are considered traditional patinas that will age or darken metal. These patinas are sold concentrated and should
PC9 (Spray) Black Patina
All Birchwood patinas are considered traditional patinas that will age or darken metal. These patinas are sold concentrated and should
Rainbow Patina
Traditional Rainbow Patina is a very interesting finish. Depending on the application method and the metal used, many different finishes